
Spring 2024

“My Room”

“untitled” (2022)

Tomoko Hida

Josie Wong

“When We M.E.T.”

Tori Gomez


Natasha Butler-Rahman

“Annie and Tenzin”

Veda Hedgepeth

“Basil the bird”


Alex Herrera

Tori Gomez

“two dreams of waking full”

Veda Hedgepeth

“Ajo de aguacatán”

Nikté Lopez-Aleshire

“Cheese Chair”

Aina Endo

“trip without a ticket”

Veda Hedgepeth


Natasha Butler-Rahman

“A Series of Things”

Black and white drawings

Aina Endo


Natasha Butler-Rahman


Anna Youtz

“A Series of Things”

Watercolor drawings

Aina Endo

“self portrait”

Alice Youtz