
Class of 2026, Astronomy & English

From Maryland, I'm a big fan of movies. One of the coeditors of Crush, in a band, and a big big fan of my digital camera

I guess you could say I'm a writer, but I don't like to limit myself in that way because I think it would be cool to pursue other mediums when it comes to it (like when I was convinced I would be a filmmaker). I think I'm also an analyzer? (A person who critically engages with art)

I think I fall into a lot of my art and it's hard to be representative of yourself in such a few pieces, but I think these are my most intentional and polished(?) pieces that I have to be given in a magazine.

I am constantly inspired by the movies I watch, the songs I consume, the media, and the people around me. There's never been a person I felt something for that I haven’t made art about.

My writing style grows with me, I think it's reflective of where I'm at in this point of my life. I'm at a constant battle to make sure what I make is interesting to me and reflective of me. Cheesy as it is I really am a mosaic of the things I consume. So I don't really choose my writing style whatever feels right just happens to collect itself on the page.

When I was younger I would watch movies like Step Up and be in awe of bands and ask for a sliver of their skill and passion, and as time passes you just have so many things to say and not enough places you can put them. To try and appreciate art and skill and have an outlet for pieces of yourself is why this is all so important. Writing allows me to be able to find and explore myself in a place that isn’t as circular as my brain.

Since I read so many books when I was younger people used to say I would be a writer and I didn't agree cause I felt like there was no way I could have the skill to create anything good. But I think it was inevitable. I was always going to create something, I consumed too much media now and then to not be inspired by anything. In the long run I would love to finish Alien Girl and just create more fun things but also continuously have this outlet

If you could meet any writer/Artist who would it be?

This could be a biased answer because I just saw challengers but I would love to meet Luca Guadagnino. I think he has an amazing affinity for understanding and creating stories and just choosing the right teams to create such multi-complex and layered art. To Challengers to Bones and All and We Are Who We Are. From the cinematography, both of our love for Blood Orange, to the storytelling and deep understanding of characters and how to navigate them, he's quite amazing and I would love to shadow him or just pick his brain.