
Nora Youtz

Your flower is lilies of the valley 
and you smell just as sweet

Close your eyes for a moment 
And you remember your sudsy body last night 
Mom’s weathered hands 
combing the gnarls of dark hair 
reaching for the shower head
the spray of cold water 
ghostly fingers drumming against your skin. 

You sit on your sweaty hands, 
pink plastic clips digging into your scalp 
gecko girl in a glass box 
pleading for friends 
Maybe if you swing your velcro sneakers
Maybe if you lick your lips, taste the remnants of breakfast 
your dad set out
the pulpy orange juice he made you drink
slimy minnows swimming down your throat
your body always thirsting for Vitamin C 
in this place that scorns sun or 
its blistering gaze.  

Maybe if you sing that song in your head
the one with the guitar that reminds you of the river 
and the mountains of The Peak
of trams rambling in the sticky night 
and the Star Ferry bellowing its prayers for calm sea 
You can pretend you are there 
trees grow out of street walls
roots fortifying the ancient spirits of stone  
life is loud and green and crude  
and night is so velvety beautifully

But you are 
paling skin, once a rich caramel,
puckering in the classroom’s AC.
You are 
tracing the bold letters of your laminated name 
and the city’s thumping heart 
is a distant dream.

Another song 
of a woman shot by her love
who mistook her for a swan 
So sad, isn’t it? 
An entire life stolen 
before it could even begin.