Spring ‘24 Archive


Kaday Jarra
Liv Go
Maya Barrientos
Juniper Huang


“Abstractions” Daisy Ryan
”i am” Kamili Williams
”Evade” Kaday Jarra
”Prove It” Saturn Johnson
”A Prayer” Certitude Lembion
”Summer Manifestations” Saturn Johnson
”Gravity’s Victory” Kaday Jarra
”Song” Nora Youtz
”Crushing Waiting to be Crushed” Kaday Jarra
”Untouched” Maya Barrientos
”A Consuming Love” Kaday Jarra
”Exemption Mawuena Nenonene


“Annie and Tenzin” Veda Hedgepeth
”Untitled” by Tomoko Hida
”My Room” Josie Wong
”When We M.E.T.” by Tori Gomez
”Portrait of my mother” by Natasha Butler-Rahman
”Basil the Bird” by Alex Herrera
”Maiz” by Tori Gomez
”Two Dreams of Waking Full” by Veda Hedgepeth
”Ajo De Aguacatán” By Nikté Lopez-Aleshire
”Cheese Chair” by Aina Endo
”Trip Without a Ticket” By Veda Hedgepeth
”Untitled I” by Natasha Butler-Rahman
” ‘A Series of Things’ Black and White Drawings” by Aina Endo
”Summer Harvest” by Natasha Butler-Rahman
”Scar” by Anna Youtz
” ‘A Series of Things’ Watercolor Drawings” Aina Endo
”Self Portrait” Alice Youtz


“Untitled I” Lana Dang
”Deerfield” Lana Dang
”Marybella” Lana Dang
”Untitled” Maya Barrientos
”Western Mass Tractor Life” Suha Khan
”Lana for the Cam” Suha Khan
”Lia II” Maya Barrientos
”Untitled II” Lana Dang
”Lia I” Maya Barrientos
”Untitled III” Lana Dang
”Untitled II” Maya Barrientos
”Untitled I” Maya Barrientos
”Kaday I” Maya Barrientos


“Young Like Joan” Liv Go
”The Importance of the Jewel Box in ‘Du Tenth Sinks the Jewel Box in Anger’” Yijing Yin
”The Red Cross” Liv Go
”Love is A Fish” Liv Go
”Splinters” Tori Gomez
”Crushed Crushed” Kaday Jarra
”Adela and March the Girl” Liv Go


“Midnight Nightingales” Riddha Lyengar

